Ownership and Governance

Patawakili is absolutely owned by The Shamerim Group of Companies, a Company Limited by Shares and registered under the Companies Act of 2015. The organizational Structure is as presented below:

The Management team is as presented here under:

  1. Chief Executive Officer-Mr. Solomon Akanga;
  2. Manager Brand, Partnership Communication and Marketing-Ms. Anastasia Rychko;
  3. Assistant Manager, Communication and Marketing-Ms. Weanie Moraa;
  4. Manager Engineering, Product Design and Development- Mr. Meme Kariuki;
  5. Manager Legal Affairs-Mr. Robert Matende;
  6. Manager Finance and Human Capital and Administration-Mr. Jacques Kioko;
  7. Assistant Manager Human Capital and Administration-Ms. Violet Odhiambo;
  8. Head Design and Development- Mr. Griffin Kisia;
  9. Head of Research and Analysis- Ms. Jane Faith Mutwasi.